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Puck Master Page 8

  The temperature in the apartment was cranked way up. Sweat collected on her brow and dripped down her spine. Hailey wiped the moisture from her hands on her jeans. “Why do you keep it so hot in here?”

  Trevor laughed as Renee sat next to him. “Helps the plants grow faster and keeps the women comfortable. Feel free to get naked then we can talk more freely.”

  Renee giggled nervously. “I think I’d be more uncomfortable that way.”

  “Pick something off the table to help loosen up.” He licked his lips and pulled her chair closer. Various bags of product lay strewn across the top, but Hailey saw through the glass as Trevor’s hand gripped the teenager’s knee. “What mood would you like to be in? Relaxed right the fuck out, or do you want to party?”

  Renee’s eyes were large as she stared at the pills. She chewed her lower lip and squirmed. “Um… I can’t.”

  “Shh.” He pressed a finger to her lips. “I take care of my girls. Don’t worry about money. Help yourself. Once you’re not so edgy, we’ll talk about options. Okay? Start here.” He lifted her hand from her lap and placed it on a bag overflowing with ecstasy pills. MDMA would kick the party into high gear.

  Hailey had seen enough. “We’ll pay our way. No need to discuss options. I see what I came for and—”

  “Sit your ass down, woman.” The man with dreadlocks nudged the seat next to him. “Now.”

  “Don’t mind him.” The other man said, shaking his ponytail. “I’m Frank. Take the seat or sit on my lap. Don’t matter where just relax. You’re making me nervous and I’m too high for that shit.”

  The room erupted in laughter.

  Hailey took the offered seat rather than Frank’s lap and smiled. “Thanks and sorry if I’m on edge. I like to settle the business before the party. You know?”

  “A woman after my own heart.” Trevor removed his hands from Renee and the tension settled. He offered an inflated price for his drugs, but it was still cheaper than Bill. Based on his prices they had a gold mine in this place.

  She tossed two hundred dollars on the table. “This should cover us for tonight. Do you mind if we stick around?”

  “You’re paid up, princess. Stay as long as you like.” Trevor whistled and a blonde junkie wearing a string bikini entered the kitchen. She sat on Trevor’s lap, thrusting her breasts in his face. His hands roamed her body as they kissed. She opened her legs and his fingers moved inside her bottoms. The exaggerated moans were over the top.

  Renee grabbed a tablet of X before excusing herself. The group left Trevor and his woman to mess around in private. The pair didn’t wait for them to vacate before he bent her over the table. Not that it was much better in the other room.

  People consumed drugs left and right. Hailey pretended to swallow a pill here and there while listening to the conversations. Frank told bad jokes between discussion of turf losses and overdoses. It seemed fentanyl was bad for business and they’d lost many customers in recent months. Hailey wondered if that explained the missing teens. It was possible, but the cops had found no bodies.

  As the hours passed, she asked lots of questions and learned about a rival gang that was gaining traction in the city. They recruited new members and impressionable teenagers seemed to be their preference. Without being obvious, Hailey cozied up to Frank who turned out to be a wealth of information. The closer she sat to him the more information he shared. She coaxed a fair amount of intel before his grabby hands roamed dangerously close to being broken.

  Once Bill returned, he headed straight for an inebriated Renee. The girl was too wasted to know her own name. The party showed no signs of stopping. Hailey had lost track of time and realized it was closing in on midnight.

  “It was nice meeting you Frank. We’ll have to do this again.” Hailey cut their conversation when she saw Bill’s hands on Renee’s ass.

  Frank pushed a piece of paper in her pocket when she stood. Hailey wobbled. Her acting abilities were pushed to the limit, and it was time to leave. She grabbed the two bags from the kitchen floor and pulled on her jacket. The apartment was sweltering, but it wouldn’t be like that outside. She handed Renee her jacket. “Let’s kick it.”

  “Okay, but it’s too hot for coats.” Renee wrapped her arm around Hailey’s waist and stumbled out of the apartment.

  “But I just got here,” Bill protested.

  “Too bad,” Hailey replied before closing the door behind them. They walked together down the hall, then Renee’s legs gave out, forcing Hailey to carry her.

  “I like you a lot. Not cause you paid for me, but you’re like a mom. Only better. You… rock. Like my rock. I like to rock. Ha!” Renee laughed as the cool morning air greeted them. At least they made it out of the building alive.

  It was cold, and she needed to get Renee some place warm and safe. “Put your coat on.”

  “No. I’m burning up.”

  “Fuck! Don’t overdose on me, Renee. Are you okay?” She propped her friend against the building and stared into her bloodshot eyes.

  “I’m great. Never better,” she giggled as her eyelids drooped.

  Hailey debated where they should go. The shelter would never let them in. Renee was too wasted. The hospital was another option, but unnecessary. “Can you walk?”

  Renee stepped forward and dropped to the concrete. “Damn, this is going to be a long night,” Hailey mumbled under her breath. She lifted the teen over her shoulder and began their hike towards the main bus route.

  They passed a few prostitutes, reminding Hailey to have a long talk with her friend about life choices. The conversations they’d had so far hadn’t been effective. Renee would probably only listen to someone like Joe Larson. As if she’d conjured him, a silver Tesla pulled alongside them.

  The passenger door opened. Hailey set Renee down against a brick building. She stepped towards the car and peeked inside.

  Joe’s hair darted in all directions like he or someone had been tugging on it. His brows were scrunched together, and his plush lips thinned into a straight line. For some reason that really turned her on.


  “G et in.” His voice was gruff and scratched an itch inside her.

  “No thanks,” she said, closing the door. Whatever brought him there, she was grateful, and that grated on her. She put Renee’s arm around her shoulder and helped her move.

  Renee could barely put one foot in front of the other. Hailey supported her, dragging her along the sidewalk. They made it no more than a few steps before Joe caught them. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “What are you doing?” Joe turned them. Forcing her to be face to face with him.

  She looked at him and scowled. “What does it look like we’re doing? We’re walking and enjoying the crisp morning air.”

  Renee leaned against Hailey and stared at Joe with her mouth open. “You… you’re my hero. I love you.” She threw her hand in the air and stumbled forward.

  Joe caught her. He placed the teenager’s arms around his neck and lifted her into his arms. “You look like you’ve been partying. You are way too young to be this wasted. How old are you?”

  “Sixteen. Gonna be seventeen soon. Not that anyone cares.” She nestled into his arms like a baby. “Today was scary at first, but she’s safe. Makes it safe. Ha. She’s military that’s why. They screwed her over like he did to me.”

  Hailey had been forced to talk about herself and how she’d ended up there. Lies were too tough to manage and keep straight. She told the Frank and his buddies about her deployments. About the medical leave, the fight with her family and how she became hooked on drugs. The last part was made up but seemed plausible. No one questioned her authenticity. Once she shared, they felt more comfortable talking. It’s how she learned so much in a few short hours.

  She was on the right track; she could feel it. Unfortunately, a knot grew in her stomach as Joe glanced her way. “She’s talking gibberish. Don’t mind her. She’s crashing. You don’t have to help us
,” Hailey said, falling into step beside him.

  “I know. So, Army, Airforce or Navy?” He asked, making the way towards his car.

  As much as it pained her to admit, she had to accept his help. Not for herself but for Renee. “Army,” she replied.

  In the distance she saw flashes of light. Then the streetlight overhead flickered. Her eyes bounced around the area, searching for others, but the street was deserted except for a few cars. The three of them were the only ones on the sidewalk. She looked around again but saw nothing.

  Hailey opened the passenger door for him. “I can—”

  “Sit your ass down. I’ll put this one in the back,” he snapped.

  “Sarcasm doesn’t suit you,” she said, opening the back door and putting the bags down. Hailey grunted as she sat in the front seat. “Thanks for offering a ride. What are you even doing out here? Never mind. You can drop us downtown near the legislative building.”

  Joe laughed. The thunderous roll echoed through the night as he placed a passed-out Renee across the backseat. He took the time to buckle her in, ensuring her safety. “I was driving around looking for you. Making sure you were safe. You are something else, Hailey.” He closed the door.

  She faced forward and buckled in. Joe drove without saying a word. The seats were comfortable. She relaxed for the first time all day; as long as she didn’t look over at the man shooting daggers in her direction. “What does that mean? Something else. And where are you taking us?” They weren’t traveling on the right road to get downtown.

  “It means despite my better judgment, I keep seeking you out. You’ve got me under a spell where I can’t rest unless I know you’re safe. So, no. You’re not going downtown to sleep under a fucking rock. You’re both coming back to my place.”

  The authority of his tone struck a chord and her body responded. She’d go anywhere he commanded. Do anything he wanted. He had her full and undivided attention. She swallowed past the lump in her throat.


  “No.” His eyes met hers, daring her to challenge him. They smoldered. Ready to ignite with the smallest protest. “You’ll be safe. There are beds, food and a hot shower. Don’t argue. I know that will be tough for you, but this isn’t a request.”

  “Ten-four.” She smiled and sunk into her seat. She wasn’t sure what happened, but something shifted. Joe wasn’t the enemy, and she vowed to stop treating him that way.

  Within a few minutes, they pulled up to a condominium complex. Not what she’d expected for a multi-millionaire. It was far less opulent, but somehow it suited him. It had an underground garage. They parked near the doors. Joe placed her bag over his shoulder, handed her the other, before lifting Renee into his arms. As soon as she had the other bag over her shoulder, Joe grabbed her hand and threaded their fingers. She didn’t pull away or say a word.

  Once inside his place, he let go of her to lock the door behind them. Once it clicked into place, he reached for her hand again. Joe pulled her down the hall towards a bedroom. “It’s the guest room. Renee will sleep well here.” He placed the teenager on the bed.

  Hailey removed her boots and put them by her bag at the foot of the bed. Joe tucked Renee under the covers and stood by the doorway. Hailey hovered by the bed. She glanced at Joe, who’s features hadn’t softened since she peaked into his car. “You’ve got my bag.”

  His large frame dominated the doorway, casting a giant shadow into the darkened room. “I’m holding onto it. You’re not getting in that bed.” He turned and left.

  She let out a long breath. She owed him an apology and an explanation. Neither would be easy for her to deliver. Holding onto her bag was a brilliant move on his part. He figured she would bolt at the first opportunity. That was her intention when she’d first seen him, but not anymore.

  Hailey picked up her boots and meandered down the hallway, admiring the pictures on the walls. Hockey players in various action shots. Signed memorabilia. Many were solo shots, but she recognized Joe in several. Dressed in his uniform he looked good. The determination on his face as he chased the puck was sexy.

  “I’m waiting.” The way his voice carried sent shivers through her. The good kind that dampened her panties.

  She placed her boots in the foyer, then ventured into his living room and sat across from him on a black leather couch. The condo was tastefully decorated with warm colors and plush furniture. It didn’t scream bachelor pad as she’d expected. His place, his furniture, his actions, nothing matched her expectations. “So, I imagine you have questions.”

  He huffed, stood and sat next to her. “Start from the top. Like what drugs you’re using. No judgment. I’ll jump in if I need more details.” His hand planted firmly on her knee.


  A thrill raced from that spot up her thigh and into her core, setting a swarm of butterflies loose inside. She swallowed past the arousal and squared her shoulders.

  “I don’t use drugs. Never have, and never will. This is my job.” Hailey proceeded to tell him about working for Caroline Northcote-Ivarsson and investigating the disappearance of several adolescents.

  He seemed relieved that she wasn’t a drug addict. She explained she wasn’t homeless but would be for the foreseeable future until she found those teens. He asked few questions and mostly listened. He was familiar with the case and her boss. Which made sense, seeing as Caroline was married to his team Captain, Nicolas Ivarsson. Their lives were more interconnected than she’d realized.

  “It’s good you took Renee under your wing. She’s vulnerable,” he said as his hand moved an inch up her thigh.

  “Why do you care?” Hailey tucked her legs under her and faced him.

  “My sister got caught up in drugs and then gangs. We lost her. Hockey saved me from following the same path. Charging down the ice gives me a greater high than any narcotics. No matter how long my career lasts or where it takes me, I won’t forget where I came from. If I can stop anyone from that life, I have to try.”

  Hailey placed her hand on his. The heat spread like wildfire, warming every inch of her. “We all have a past. I’m sorry for your loss. If you’re comfortable, I’d love to know more, but if it’s too much, I get it.”

  “You lost someone?”

  She’d lost so much. “I know how much it hurts to lose a sibling. My brother served in the Army. He died two years ago defending our country.” No amount of time made saying that any easier.

  “That loss never heals. My sister’s been gone over a decade and I… It still pisses me off. Where we lived in Cali, joining a gang was a way of life come a certain age. She was older by a few years. I was always heavy into hockey which kept me clean. Donna didn’t get the attention she deserved. Drugs became her escape. Eventually, the gang owned her. The shit she did.” Joe shook his head. “I was too young, powerless and self-absorbed to help. Then she OD’d. My folks were a joke before and after she died. We no longer have a relationship. Hockey kept me off the streets and on the straight and narrow, but that so easily could have been my life.”

  “With your determination, I find that hard to believe. You strike me as someone who never backs down.” She smiled. They were sitting so close. Hailey removed her hand and slid back on the couch.

  Joe moved closer. “When I want something, I go after it. Relentlessly.” His eyes fixed on her mouth.

  “What do you want? Every time I turn around you’re there.” Her breathing became shallow.

  “Spend the night with me. Stop pushing me away.” His mouth loomed closer. His tongue pressed against his incisor and she quivered.

  “Okay,” she said and reached out, pulling him closer.

  The kiss stole her senses and ended with them fighting for dominance. Not much of a fight since they both knew what they liked and what they wanted. Their hands roamed, and legs coiled. Within a heartbeat, she was in his arms. Her legs wrapped around his hips and they moved down the hall.

  Joe kicked his bedroom door closed behind them
as they traveled in the dark. Her lips never left his. She sucked on his tongue and rubbed her mound over his erection. She needed him inside her in the worst way. All the moaning and sex she’d been subjected to at the party had riled her up beyond measure.

  The lights flicked on in the attached bathroom as they entered. She didn’t ask questions as he plowed ahead. He opened the glass shower door and walked in. A moment later water rushed over them.

  It wasn’t freezing, still she gasped at the unexpected blast of cold. “I’m wet,” she panted.

  He pressed her against the tile and consumed her mouth. His hands roamed under her shirt, gripping her breasts. She pealed the soaking shirt over her head along with the sports bra, giving him full access.

  “You’re perfect.” His eyes stayed glued to hers as his mouth covered her nipple. He licked and nipped until she cried his name. He grabbed the soap from the tray and lathered her breasts. The water warmed quickly as it rushed over them and rinsed the bubbles away.

  Hailey gripped the back of his shirt and yanked it over his head. She wanted to feel his skin against her. The steam fogged the glass as her hands glided over his muscles. He moved one hand from her ass to the front of her jeans and undid them. He tugged, but the wet fabric stuck to her body.

  “Hold on to my shoulders,” he said, placing her onto her feet. “I don’t want you to fall when I eat your pussy.”

  Her fingers dug into the meaty flesh by his neck as he dropped to his knees. He yanked her pants and panties down over her ass and licked inside her navel. The jeans came down slowly and he kissed and washed his way down her legs. Hailey ran one hand through his wet mane, tugging the ends as he teased her, avoiding the area that needed the most attention. Once her pants were around her ankles, she kicked them off. Her socks were soaked, but she didn’t care to remove them. She opened her legs wide, placing one foot on the bench.

  “You missed a spot,” she said pointing to her clit. “I want that mouth right here.” She ran two fingers through her folds and wiped her fluids against his lips.