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Slapping him and his smug grin unfortunately would get her kicked out. So what if her body wanted him; it could never happen again. She swallowed hard. “I don’t think so. One is enough.” She shook her head. Her pony tail swayed across the worn, brown leather of her jacket as she moved her way down the line and away from him. The next volunteer added a biscuit and butter. She finished by grabbing a slice of apple pie. Part of her wanted to glance back and see if his eyes were on her, but she knew they were.
Hailey took the seat across from Jen, keeping her back to the volunteers. “Here.” She placed the disposable paper plate onto the table in front of Renee. More people had joined their table. Most were new faces. She looked forward to learning more from them. She hoped to catch the first break in the case.
“Thanks.” The girl slipped a stray hair behind her ear and grabbed a plastic fork. “What did he say to you? I swear that man wants to get into your jeans. I’ve been staring at him for over an hour and haven’t seen him smile like that. We could feel the sexual chemistry from here.” Renee pushed the vegetables around her plate.
“Shut up,” she replied while taking off her coat. “He does not.” It was a lame retort, but Hailey had expected no one else to notice their heated interaction.
“I’m totally serious.” Renee put the utensil down without taking a bite. “Your bodies leaned towards each other like magnets being pulled together. So hot. I’m jealous. We were waiting for you to pass over your phone number or something. Did he ask for it?”
Her jaw clenched as she shook her head. “No.”
Jen leaned over and patted her hand. Her nails were longer than Hailey’s, and they were cracked and black with filth. “Don’t take it personally. You’re a pretty girl. Sexy as fuck if you ask me, but he probably doesn’t date outside of his class.” Her hand lingered and Hailey didn’t push her away.
Renee and several of the others laughed. They were all deeply engaged in this conversation which was the furthest from what she wanted to talk about. None of the new faces belonged to the missing teens, but Renee wasn’t the only minor in the group anymore. It saddened her to see so many young faces.
“I’d fuck you.” A guy with a baby face he’d covered in tattoos in an attempt to look tough, added. He leaned back in his seat and smiled, slicking his greasy black hair back with one hand. “I’d make you scream real loud.”
“Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass.” She returned his smile and copied his body language.
Renee didn’t notice the show of dominance around her. “Hockey players are so hot. I’m still not sure how you managed to say more than two words to him. Joe Larson is the best winger in the NHL. He’s… wow.” Renee fanned her face before ripping off a piece of biscuit and stuffing it into her mouth.
“Hockey’s cool if you like organized sports. Dudes slamming into other dudes ain’t my thing. I’m more into one-on-one kind of stuff.” The same guy raised his eyebrows suggestively. His naturally tanned skin had reddened from the cool evening air.
“What? You and your hand,” Jen joked, and the table burst out with laughter. Hailey couldn’t help but join in.
“Screw you, Jen!”
“You wish, Bill. Plus, I like women, so bark up another tree.” Jen took her hand off Hailey’s and gave her a sheepish smile.
“Whatever. You chicks are all gooey eyes over some NHLer because he’s got money. I wouldn’t even let that guy suck my cock. Well, for the right amount of cash I might. Bet he’d pay top dollar for a lick.” He leaned his elbows on the table and rubbed his hairless chin. “We all have a price,” he said, looking right at Hailey.
“Not everyone,” she shot back.
“Once I sell what’s in my pocket, I’ll have enough cash for my own place. If you’re nice to me, I’ll let you share my bed.” His offer wasn’t the least bit tempting, but several others perked up.
“The only man I want to share a bed with is him. He’s perfect.” Renee cast her eyes down towards her plate and her shoulders caved inwards. “But… what do you have in your pocket and how much?” Renee whispered the last part before stuffing another piece of biscuit into her mouth.
Bill moved closer to Renee. His chair screeched against the weathered linoleum and the girl didn’t shy away. “I’ve got exactly what you need. Price is negotiable; for you. Finish up and we’ll head outside for a hit.”
Hailey looked around and others were nodding. Their plates were almost empty. She didn’t want them to leave and get high. Once they used they rarely provided decent intel. The few junkies she’d talked to so far had been too out of it to give any specifics. They may or may not have seen the teens she described. It was aggravating.
“Why do you guys even like hockey? It’s a boring sport and Joe Larson thinks he’s God’s gift to women. I wouldn’t share his bed if he were the last man on the planet.” Hailey hoped bringing the conversation back to Joe and hockey would make them stay.
Jen’s smile widened, showcasing a few missing teeth. “You sure about that?”
Hailey crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not so desperate for a bed that I’d sleep with him. He’s a mediocre hockey player.” Not that she knew anything about hockey. “The man is overrated. No one’s perfect. His arrogance is too much. And what’s with the cocky grin? His skill level is debatable.” Silence filled the surrounding air. It was one of the moments where she didn’t have to check behind her to know he was there. The potent manly aroma greeted her as soon as the last word stumbled out.
“I can assure you that I have skills.” His dominant tone gripped her panties in a vise. Rather than being deterred by her snide remarks, he sat down next to her at the table and draped one arm across the back of her chair.
“You played well against the Flames this week. Think we could score a few autographs?” Bill asked, transforming from tough guy to super fan.
“Sure thing. But not until this lady apologizes for calling me mediocre.” The deep rumble of his voice sent a shiver down her spine.
A series of oohs and ahhs followed. Hailey refused to give into his shenanigans. “Dream on.”
Joe leaned closer until his mouth practically pressed against her ear. His hot breath caressed her skin. “I’ve dreamt about you more than once in recent weeks. But I’d rather have the real thing,” he whispered.
“That’s never going to happen,” she said, leaning away from him. As much as she wanted to crawl on his lap and devour his mouth, she had to resist. Nothing good would come from it. Besides an orgasm. Would that be so wrong? Maybe a quick wrestle in the back would clear her mind and her jitters. No, she came here to work; not to get laid.
“I’ve learned anything is possible.” He sat back in his seat. “Looks like things are winding down here. Do you guys mind if I hang out for a while?”
Hailey didn’t answer, but the rest of the crew jumped at the chance to chill with their hockey idol. He’d unintentionally helped her out, and for that she was grateful. Instead of running out to get high, people stayed and shot the breeze. Blending in with the other homeless wasn’t hard. No one asked personal questions. Except for Joe. His interest in her was evident and his nearness a distraction.
She sat forward on her elbows and watched the group fawn over him. Even Bill was all ears as the hockey star fed them stories of his time on the ice. Joe’s natural showmanship had the entire group enraptured. Now and then, he’d glance her way and the corner of his mouth would inch upwards. It was sexy as hell. She wasn’t a sports fan, but she was every bit as engrossed as the rest.
“You saw it. After I checked him, the guy went down. Hard,” Joe said, slamming his fist into his opposite hand for dramatic impact. She didn’t flinch like the others. Hockey had a fair amount of violence. The girls at the table cringed as he described a more brutal play.
“Don’t give me that look Renee; he deserved it for crosschecking Cam the play before. My buddy was lucky he didn’t end up with a concussion from that hit. Retaliation was due
.” Joe leaned towards the star-struck girl. Her blush could be seen from space when he spoke her name. The fact that he’d remembered her name, impressed Hailey.
“Dude, that’s respect. You taught that bitch a lesson. Proving you’re the best enforcer in the league,” a guy said from a few seats over. He’d been quiet until now. After watching his actions and movements for a while, she realized this man was revered by the men surrounding him. They all perked up and listened to his words. Some even moved to the edge of their seats. His hands were covered in faded ink. The lines bled together, making most of them unrecognizable from their original forms. He cracked his knuckles. “It’s not a bad thing. The world needs enforcers,” he added.
“Nah; I’m not Pedlanski. That man is wicked and I’m glad he’s on our side,” Joe responded. “Luka’s earned the title.”
“Modesty doesn’t suit you,” Hailey chimed in. The statement slipped. She hadn’t intended on verbalizing that thought.
“Why would you say that?”
She pegged Joe Larson as an attention seeker. A man who loved being complimented and needed the accolades. “It’s obvious you’re a legend in the game and fishing for compliments seems beneath you. At your level you should just say thanks.”
“Damn,” Bill shouted. “Don’t mind her. Hailey’s not your fan.”
“Hailey,” Joe said, letting the last syllable linger. “I believe in giving credit where it’s due. Fishing for anything isn’t my thing. You’re not a fan yet. Lucky for you, I like a challenge.” His eyes dared her to disagree as his fingers splayed across her shoulder.
The heat from his hand seeped into her body. She refused to melt into his touch or give him an inch of encouragement. The contact was brief as he removed his hand and stood.
“I’m not a challenge, so don’t waste your time on me.” She pushed her chair closer to the table.
“Stick around Hailey. I think I can help you out, but first I should help clean-up. It was cool meeting all of you,” he said, waving at the group.
He thought she needed saving. He wanted to be a hero on the ice and off of it. Only, she wasn’t a damsel in distress in need of a hero. If he knew who she really was, he wouldn’t try to save her. Then again, his offer might have nothing to do with her lack of shelter and more to do with a request for a repeat performance. The way his eyes drank her in, told her his intentions were not platonic.
Too bad another romp with Joe was out of the question. Plus, his blatant invitation rubbed her the wrong way. He was so sure she’d take him up on it, but he’d be wrong. “Thanks, Joe. I’ll count down the minutes until you have time for me.” The sarcasm dripped from each word. She batted her lashes like a lovesick schoolgirl. She didn’t understand why she felt the need to goad him. It probably had something to do with her desire to hang back to see and feel what he offered. Not that she’d allow herself time to indulge. There was no time for a repeat performance, but her body said otherwise as she shifted on her seat.
His smug grin vanished. She sensed her dismissal wounded his ego. Tough. “I’ll make it worth your while. Hailey, no time with you would be wasted.” Joe winked and walked away, getting the last word.
The crew were already on their feet. “Renee, you wanna head outside with me?” Bill leaned closer to Renee until their shoulders were pressed together. “You won’t be disappointed.” His body leaned over her.
The girl waited until Joe disappeared into the back before responding. “I… don’t have any money, but I want some.”
“We’ll work something out. Don’t worry, girl,” the man with the tattooed hands said. He slapped Bill on the shoulder. The pair exchanged a look before he headed for the door.
The rest of the group followed, and Hailey scrambled to her feet. “I’ll go with you too.” Hailey pulled her coat from the chair. Her movements were too fast, and her balance faltered. She gripped the edge of the table to stop from falling over. “I could use some fresh air.”
Renee zipped her jacket then pushed her barely touched food to the middle of the table. She didn’t speak but took Bill’s offered arm. Drugs before food. That wasn’t a good sign.
Bill smiled like a lottery winner. “I got enough for everybody. If you don’t got cash either, I know a way you can work off your debt sweet thing. Like Trevor said, we can work something out.”
She’d come here for answers, but she couldn’t let Renee get involved with these men. Owing them could create a debt Renee could never repay. Hailey feared what their version of payment would be. She reached into her pocket and hoped that sixty would be enough. As she followed the group outside, she refused to look back because as much as Joe’s offer tempted her, her priority was the case, and saving Renee.
T he Easter evening had turned into an epic waste of time. Hailey had accomplished nothing. Meeting Trevor and seeing so many young faces had given her hope, but the majority had disappeared before she’d reached the alley outside. Renee, Bill and a few others had huddled behind a dumpster and proceeded to get high on fentanyl. There was no reasoning with drug addicts. Hailey’s attempt to dissuade the teen had failed, but at least she’d foiled Bill’s plans to take advantage of the situation.
Hailey had enough cash in her pockets to pay for the drugs, saving Renee from whatever nasty price Trevor and his minions would make her pay. Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time before Renee got in way over her head. By the looks of things, she was already there. Opiate addiction would be a bitch to overcome if it didn’t kill her first.
Maternal instincts Hailey hadn’t known existed roared into high gear around the young girl, and she vowed to keep her safe. However, it proved to be harder than expected when all Renee wanted to do was get wasted. Her cluelessness made her easy prey for men like Bill and Trevor. They wouldn’t hesitate to use her anyway they could. With her sweet, round face and curves, it wouldn’t be long before they put her to work on the streets like several of the other girls she’d come across.
People had their reasons for being on the streets. Some had fallen on hard times, but the young ones viewed it as an alternative to a crappy or boring home life. Recreational drug use became an addiction for most within the blink of an eye. The gangs controlled the drugs and their hold on the city grew daily. The conversations had yielded no information other than where she might score the best high. Trevor’s name had been mentioned more than once. Rather than leaving the addicts to their fun, she’d stuck around. Partly to keep an eye on Renee, but to get to Trevor she’d have to go through Bill.
After sleeping on a park bench with Renee passed out on her shoulder, Hailey needed a moment to stretch and form a plan of action. She had a hunch that if she stayed with this group, she’d find the answers she sought. Her gut hadn’t steered her wrong yet.
“I’m going to find a bathroom. Be back in a bit,” she said as she stretched her arms above her head. Her muscles were tight, and she could use a good workout. No one responded, not that she expected them to. Everyone was on their own. They had no one to answer to or anyone who cared where they were. Hailey’s life differed a great deal.
Her parents were used to her not coming home, but they worried. Since her return from her last mission, they were constantly in her face. Spending four years in the forces had cut the cord long ago, but they acted like she was five all over again. She blamed their brother’s death, but they’d always been overbearing. Living on her own for so long, she’d forgotten how bad they craved control.
Once she was far enough down the path, she pulled her cellphone from her inside coat pocket. The morning air was crisp, making her shiver as a blast of cold hit her exposed skin. There were ten missed calls and two text messages. All from her family. At least three came from Meagan, but she suspected her baby sister wanted to talk about Cameron. The last thing she wanted to think or talk about was hockey players.
An image of Joe’s straight teeth and provocative mouth entered her mind. The way the corner lifted
slightly as his eyes undressed her triggered an onslaught of arousal. Her core tightened, recalling the way her thighs had tingled for days after they’d met. Her breasts felt heavier, she slowed her pace and adjusted her bra. They seemed tender like after he’d sucked and bitten her nipples. She zipped her jacket and pushed the naughty thoughts away. There was no point thinking about him or his delicious mouth. She pressed a few buttons on her phone and it rang.
“It’s about time,” her father barked, after picking up on the first ring. She imagined he was sitting next to the phone. At this hour he’d already finished his morning run. Two hours every morning regardless of the weather. He was disciplined, and she admired him for that. Her father had always been her hero even though they didn’t always see eye to eye.
“Good morning, Colonel. I trust you slept well.” With her father it was best to keep the mood light. It didn’t take much to set him off these days. She closed her eyes. It hadn’t always been that way.
“Where have you been? You failed to report. I’m disappointed, Hailey. You took off in the middle of dinner and left Benedict—”
“I had to work. Sitting around and collecting disability drove me crazy. This isn’t news,” she said, pinching the bridge of her nose.
He harrumphed. “Traipsing around the city on Caroline Northcote’s crusade is hardly considered work. She and her father are dreamers. You could have finished your date.”
“Please don’t ever set me up again. Your heart might be in the right place, but I’m not on the market.” She left out the fact she’d never date another forces guy. One loss was all she could handle in this lifetime. “Furthermore, you and mom need to understand that I’m not a child. I can come and go as I please.”
“The hell you can,” he yelled. “While you’re living under our roof, you’ll abide by our rules!”